Out to Launch Academy

Liberate yourself from 9-5 by turning your experience and expertise into a freelance, consulting, or coaching business so you can be your own boss.


I had always wanted to start my own consulting, but OTLA provided me with the tools, knowledge, community, and confidence to own my worth and accelerate the learning curve it takes for anyone starting a business on their own. I made $45K within the first two months of working with them. Their care for their clients, their attention to detail, and unwavering support each step of the way to securing clients is unmatched. My life has changed for the better since working with them—unlike other business coaches, their professionalism and strive to improve their own business is admirable. I’m so happy and proud to call them my business coaches and friends.

Stephanie Ramirez (made $25K within 4 weeks of starting OTLA)

Before joining OTLA, I was seriously stuck. As an actor, I've never worked a typical 9-5, but I've always juggled multiple jobs to pay the bills—none of which were particularly fulfilling…OTLA has truly changed my life. I am finally able to save for my future and feel some financial stability. I have a business that is rapidly growing and that I know is providing a vital service to my clients. I'm able to help other people grow their companies, which brings me a lot of joy. And all in less than a year—I never would have dreamed that my late-night doom scroll on Instagram would bring me to the place I am now, but I am, and will forever be, grateful to Leslie, Ro and Sho for creating OTLA.

Caitlin Gold (just paid off $20K in debt and is now debt free/thriving)

In July 2022, I earned almost $10K helping professionals develop stronger public speaking skills in my coaching program. I'm grateful for the co-founders of Out to Launch Academy—their course, 1:1 coaching calls, & genuine interest in their clients' success are game (& life) changing. Thanks, for your wonderful guidance.

Dr. Shalando R Jones (just had her first $20K month)

Coaching with Cutclass has completely changed my life! She has been an amazing coach, mentor, and friend. Leslie gave me the tools (and confidence) to develop my own business and leave my 9-5 job in 4 months—something I previously couldn't have imagined doing. Not to mention the resources and connections I've received from her which have helped me continue developing my brand. Short story: DO OUT TO LAUNCH. You won't regret it.

Lindsey Stefanka (made $70K in her first year of business working part time)

Words will never describe how much taking this course has changed the direction of my business. What I thought would take me 12 months literally took me a matter of weeks with Leslie. In 5 weeks, I had tripled my monthly income. In 6 weeks, I resigned from my 9-5 job. In 8 weeks, I booked tickets to relocate to my dream destination.

Chardee McEwan (made her first 6 figure year in business: $102,000)



Double (even triple) your income and impact in 90 days—or slowly grow a side business with our proven step-by-step blueprint for success.

We are taught to follow is an outdated system of corporate ladder climbing, but this system isn’t working. Time to pave your own path. We’ll teach you the success principles and mindset required to use business as a vehicle for getting freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment. Our self-paced program will give you the key information and support so you can build a profitable freelance, consulting, or coaching business.


🎯 Create your Business Model
Understand your Zone of Genius + how to create an offer around it, price it, and get it out to market to kickstart your cash flow.

🎯 Understand Your Budget
Develop your business budget and the revenue goals needed for a profitable business. Not a fan of math? It’s OK, we have tools that simplifies numbers and math for anyone.

🎯 Smooth Transition from Employee to Boss
Unless it resonates with you, there’s no need to take the leap your job. Together we form a game plan so you know when it’s just the right time to make your move.

🎯 Learn to Get Ahead Financially (FINALLY)
Get the know how to take advantage of things like tax write-offs and help you understand the basic building blocks of financial independence and freedom.

🎯 Stay Accountable and Maximize Your Time
Learn how to accomplish 3 times more so you can spend more time doing things you love. It’s all saying goodbye to hustle culture and working smart vs hard.


Your job is limiting—it's time to start building something for yourself and explore the possibilities. You've been stuck in a cycle and it's time to finally break free.

Before we dive into the details about this extraordinary program, let’s talk about who this program is really for:

  • Executives, freelancers, managers, new business owners, creatives, administrators… if you’re feeling stuck, this is for you.

  • You are at a crossroads (or see yourself coming to one soon) and you know it’s time to start building a real future for yourself.

  • It’s time to unlock your full potential… no more busting your butt to build someone else’s dream and potentially have it taken from you.

  • When it comes to starting a business, you don’t know where to start. It’s confusing and overwhelming.

  • You need a game plan or strategy to make a smooth transition from 9-5 and build your business the right way.

  • You see the value in having an expert to guide you, support, and keep you accountable because you know it’s critical to your success.

Success Stories

Out to Launch Academy

Take action today. We know you're tired of the same old grind—make a change and step into a future you love. You don't have to do it alone. We provide guidance, support, accountability, and a community of like-minded individuals who are taking the same journey.

Our program consists of 5 coaches who provide daily, live & virtual support and training so that you can get exactly what you need to dial in your business idea, launch it, and grow. Our community is the perfect place to meet others, share ideas, network, and even collaborate & share business.

Amanda made $75K within 4 months of starting OTLA

“I opened my business officially in September 2022. As of today, I have earned 75% of what my corporate salary was in half the time (6 months) and am on track to earning over 100% of that salary in 2023. With their templates, individual support, resources, and community, OTLA has helped me move down a path I have always wanted - my own business, on my terms, managing and coaching the way I want to, and earning revenue to take care of my family in truly balanced and healthy manner. I recommend OTLA to anyone who is looking for that leg up. You must put in the work but when you do - it pays off in spades.”

  • I want to start out by first painting a picture of my situation, which I have come to understand, is more common than not. Being a lifelong corporate worker-bee, as most women in corporate America - I started at the bottom and worked my way up, falling backwards a few times along the way. At the pinnacle of my career (after 20 years), I began feeling unfulfilled. I had sacrificed my children’s childhood, had major rough spots in the marriage to my soul mate that could have been disastrous, and fought constantly against self-doubt, depression and imposter syndrome even after successfully completing an MBA while working full-time, and finishing with a 3.98 GPA. Yet somehow it wasn’t enough. I was always fighting for my employees for fair pay and often put my own reconciliation on the back burner.

    Many years later, I find I was routinely under paid for most of my career while making those who I worked for millions - driving triple digit growth.

    Fast forward to 2022, I stumbled upon OTLA. I knew I wanted to start my own business but had no clue where to start other than getting an LLC and basic marketing assets set up. OTLA made digesting the behemoth task of all the detail work into small, easily consumable chunks. They offered templates to quick start each step. They offered virtual sessions to walk you through each module and offer live training (called Masterminds).

    The most value though that I can attest to helped me is the team at OTLA and the community they have created. The team, Leslie, Sho, and Ro. These women are an inspiration. They are kind, caring and actually give a shit about you. The system they have put in place to leverage the community they are building has also been a game changer. The statement “collective minds can accomplish miracles” is a true statement. The quality people they attract and the speakers they invite into the community to help break old habits, evolve your mindset, and reaffirm that your pace is the right pace - has been one of the biggest support mechanisms to my success today.

    I left my corporate job end of June 2022. I opened my business officially in September 2022. As of today, I have earned 75% of what my corporate salary was in half the time (6 months) and am on track to earning over 100% of that salary in 2023. With their templates, individual support, resources, and community, OTLA has helped me move down a path I have always wanted - my own business, on my terms, managing and coaching the way I want to, and earning revenue to take care of my family in truly balanced and healthy manner.

    I recommend OTLA to anyone who is looking for that leg up. You must put in the work but when you do - it pays off in spades.

Success Stories

3 Founders, 3 Stories


Leslie Levito: Was in the executive suite at the top of the corporate ladder. Made the switch to entrepreneur to create a work life balance and spend time with her two kids. Now she is the co-founder of 2 businesses, helps other people build businesses and has balance.

Shoghak Kazandjian: Freelancing in design for 10+ years, skipped the corporate ladder because she wanted more flexibility and creative freedom. Jumped into entrepreneurship because she wanted more control over her work life. Now is the co-founder of 2 businesses and master of her destiny.

Rochelle Groh: Worked as a corporate executive grinding for years. Finally wanted to leave the corporate trash industry (no really, actual trash) for more freedom. Now the co-founder of 1 business, owner of another, and had the flexibility to relocate with her family and build a new future.

Out to Launch Academy

Our program is designed for you to launch or scale your business within 3 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This course will be delivered over 6 months.

    Every module is pre-recorded so you can fit listening to the course and working on your launch on a timeline that works for your life. That also means that you get to keep your course to use as you’d like for future reference.

    We also include including a virtual community on Slack (soon to be Circle) and weekly group coaching as part of our program.

  • It can take anywhere from 2-5 hours a week watch the module and also work on the course materials. The work you do will be a foundation to build your business and will give you the framework for a business plan. The course work isn’t a box you check, it’s a structure to help you continuously develop your business as both you and your business evolve.

  • You always have the course modules, worksheets, etc to go back to if you want to refine parts of your business or if you start another business.

    After the course completes, you’ll have different options to work ongoingly with me and my team in small group or 1-1 settings. Please don’t sweat it, you don’t have to get everything right away. I got your back each step of the way.

  • Knowledge is power. Some people do Out To Launch Academy simply to learn about and get a strong understanding of what it takes to run a successful business. It’s the best shortcut to get a business up and running because it covers the basic (and not so basic) building blocks to business. 

    Even if you do not leave 9-5 soon (or ever), the knowledge you will gain will be instrumental to you positioning yourself more powerfully at your job. Employees who understand business are often the people who get promoted and are offered opportunities because they are able to understand the bigger business picture for the company.

  • No. The most important thing is that you create the smoothest transition possible out of 9-5. Going from employee to entrepreneur (or freelancer / small business owner) is like learning a whole new language. You choose a launch timeline that works for you. Building a business can take a slow + steady or all-in approach.